Saturday, June 09, 2007


Yesterday the afternoon was spent among the wealthier homes of Kampala (though mainly we spoke to servants and those living on the fringes). Today we toured the Kimbalay slum. There is a red light district here where the prostitutes line up at night. People live on under $100 a year. Douglass, a young man (late 20s) who ministers in the slum explained how Islam was trying to infiltrate the area. He also explained how people come to Kampala in hopes of work and end up in the slum. We stopped and interacted with the children of a little school who were so thrilled to see us and laugh with us. We prayed for them, and one little girl particularly stood out to me - Hama was her name - and she said "thank you for praying."
-Deeply moved by the poverty
-There is one Hope for these people, and it is not a hope grounded in this life or this world.
-It is a Great Hope, a reason for joy even in all this filth
-This too must be the only hope that I hold to

SO PRAY..."having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you..." Eph 1:18


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great work.

9:22 PM  

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