Monday, June 30, 2008

I will sing to the LORD as long as I live; I will sing praise to my God while I have being. Psa 104:33

In the last year I have had a few rough times, where I felt Psalm 43 expressed things well. Why are you cast down oh my soul? And why are you in turmoil within me? Such is the effect of the deep trials and sorrows of life upon one's soul.
However, I have also found the words of Proverbs to be true: "Anxiety in a man's heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad." A good word is medicine - it is balm. Sometimes these come by way of a friend or a sermon. But I have been thinking about another way by which it comes.
Col 3:16 says: Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.
So one way that God's good word dwells in us is through the singing of spiritual songs. In a parallel verse, Ephesians 18-19 says: filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in psalms and humns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with all your heart... So on top of the word of God dwelling in you, this is also a means of being filled with the Holy Spirit.
I am not surprised to see then that through the low times of the past year, some of the most beautiful rays of light to pierce the darkness of sorrow have come through songs. Songs like Great is Thy Faithfulness, It is Well With My Soul, Crown Him With Many Crowns - songs that remind me of the trustworthiness of our high and awesome God - songs that speak a good word to my anxious soul and make me glad.
I think back to my college days when I would make the four hour drive to and from my Alma Mater by myself. During those drives I would have the sweetest of times with the Lord. I think a large part of that was because I would sing unabashedly. I think I should not let the absence of that kind of a drive stop me from singing joyfully to the Lord.


Blogger Andrew and Olivia said...

You should post some of those great Paisano pictures you are always taking. I hear you are going to be an uncle for the third time. Congrats! Tell Ben and Jen I love the name. I hope you are planning on going to Paisano next year. Andrew and I want to see you there! WE are planning to bring the whole Payne family. Andrew's brother and sister and their significant others and children should all be there. And we have a little boy we'd like you to meet. What about you? Will there be any major changes before we seen you again?

12:12 PM  
Blogger Steve said...

Hey Andrew and Olivia! Thanks for dropping me a line - I just posted some pics of Paisano today, before I even saw your comment. I'll put some more up there too.
I really hope I can come down next year. It's hard to say because at this point I have no clue where the Lord will have me!! But if at all possible, I will be there. I can't wait to meet your little one! And no - I don't expect any major changes before this summer - although I guess you never know...
Alright, blessings!

3:46 PM  

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