Monday, July 09, 2007

Church Planting in Kagati

On Sunday, July 1st, our team met up with two other teams from America and traveled to the town of Kagadi in Western Uganda. A seven hour car ride, half of which was on dusty red roads, brought us to the growing town which sits in a mountainous, green region of the country. The purpose of the trip was to plant a church here, where cults are rampant, and few people understand the gospel. In fact, many people in this region are under the influence of a cult which is led by a man who believes he is god. A number of people on our team actually were able to meet this man and preach the gospel to him (it fell on deaf ears).
One of the American teams was a large medical team from Alabama which was able to address dental, optical, and medical problems. The other team was also from Alabama and worked alongside of us as we went door to door (or shop to shop) preaching the gospel. We also ran evangelistic meetings in the evenings, where we preached, gave testimonies, and sang. One of the greatest parts of this whole endeavor was that it was not the Americans who were running the show. Three Ugandan churches from the towns of Port Royal, Hoima, and Mbale put together the effort - so the thirty Americans were outnumbered by fifty Ugandan brothers and sisters! Praise the Lord for what he is doing in Uganda! The newly planted church will be led by two trustworthy men from the next town over - Lazarus (see picture) and John (whose wedding we attended on Saturday). I cannot capture everything which happened in the week, but I will post a few journal entries of my time.

June 5
Last night I had an incredible opportunity to preach the gospel. I spoke from Isaiah 6, expounding on the character of God - his eternal nature, power, beauty, and holiness - and that the only way to stand in his presence is through grace which comes from the altar of sacrifice - the blood of Christ. A large crowd was gathered: 600-800 people from all around town and surrounding.... when will I ever have that kind of opportunity again!!!
....Today going door to door was a neat time. It seemed that illustrations were abundant. To some taylors, we spoke about the garment of righteousness which covers sins. To men building houses we spoke about the Great Builder who is building a church with living stones. One muslim man was named Moses, and to him we talked about the Passover Lamb and how the blood smeared over the door post points to the One whose blood was smeared on the cross. We trust that the seeds of the Gospel are finding good soil....


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