Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A Motivating Fear

There is a text of Scripture which now and then flits through my mind and causes me to fear. In Philippians 2:20, where Paul is speaking of trustworthy Timothy, he says, “For I have no one like him, who will be genuinely concerned for your welfare. They all seek their own interests, not those of Jesus Christ.

What does my fear consist of? It is certainly not a fear that God is against me. That would be a dark fear indeed. No this is of a different quality. I think Paul is speaking about Christians after all.

This is the sort of fear that wonders if I am missing something marvelous – like passing by the perfect job, the ideal spouse - concerned with something trivial. Except this is even weightier - more awful to miss – a much greater tragedy.

The fear is this: once in a while I will stop and think about how many of my actions are rooted in a genuine concern for the welfare of my brothers and sisters in Christ. Love. Is it there? How much? How much direct intentional thought given to the good of others?

Too little… far too little.

Oh Jesus, is it somewhere said of me, “he seeks his own interests, not those of Jesus Christ”? May it not be! But I cannot deny it. Oh, would that I participated in the interests of my Savior! Would that my life be characterized by labor –work, and words, and motives – built on the foundation of Jesus – so that it lasts and I receive a reward (1 Co 3:14).

I will not ignore this fear or dismiss it as trivial. No, I will allow it to compel me to take hold of the blessing – to strive for that which is better – to live out the cross – because in death is life. In giving one’s self away is gain. In bearing another’s sorrow is joy. In losing the life of self is gaining the life of Christ. Yes – I would know my Savior here – in sharing in his interests.

Jesus, do not let me keep walking past this one…


Blogger Dueski said...

Not really to do anything with your post but email so I have your email address. I don't have it for some reason. Email at or Hope to talk to you soon!


9:23 PM  

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